Sun: Full sun to light shade
Water: Below average watering needs for a succulent
Temperature: Zone 7a from 0° F to 5° F (-17.8 ° C to -15° C) to Zone 11b from 45° F to 50° F (7.2° C to 10° C)
Winter Survival: Cold hardy
Propagation: division
Flower: in the late spring
Flower Type: Yellow
Toxic: Toxic to humans and animals
Dormant: winter
Space Requirement: Outdoors
Common Problems: pests
Where to buy Euphorbia rigida?
Basc Care for Euphorbia rigida
Watering for Euphorbia rigida is a simple task. It requires Below average watering needs for a succulent.
One simple tip for you is that you can use some online apps to check the soil status before you go water your succulents. I would recommend the ThePlantsCheck app, it has some nice features there.
Only feed this succulent during its active growing seasons which means winter. Use the right fertilizer applied in the right amounts. Applying half-strength balanced fertilizer every month or so is recommended for optimal results.
Do not fertilize during winter as the plant is dormant.
Sun & Location Requirements for "Gopher SpurgeRigid SpurgeUpright Myrtle Spurge"
To ensure Euphorbia rigida is healthy and thriving, make sure it gets full sun to light shade daily. Look for a spot that gets around 6 hours of direct sunlight each day, with a maximum of 5 hours of shade. This will help your succulent reach its full potential!
As per this succulent profile, it is only able to stay healthy when the environment temperature is above the range of zone 7a from 0° F to 5° F (-17.8 ° C to -15° C).
Euphorbia rigida is known for its cold hardiness and ability to survive in frigid winter temperatures. This succulent's thick leaves and stems help it retain moisture, aiding it in surviving freezing temperatures. Additionally, the succulent's attractive foliage offers a festive touch to any garden in cold climates. With its ability to survive down to 0°F, "Gopher SpurgeRigid SpurgeUpright Myrtle Spurge" is an excellent choice for areas with frosty winters.
Any succulents in the group will need a large space to grow. You should place your pot outdoor. Since this plant needs a lot of space than other succulents, you should consider not planting them together with other succulents/plants.
Euphorbia rigida also benefits from some indirect light throughout the day as well, so make sure you give it enough space to soak up light without becoming too exposed to heat.

Euphorbia rigida is a highly toxic plant and should be handled with extreme caution. Ingestion can cause nausea, vomiting and other serious health issues in both humans and animals alike.
Pests and Diseases
Euphorbia rigida can be affected common pests and diseases like most of the other succulents such as aphids, mealybugs, and Red spider mites.
If you do spot any of pest signs, you can treat your succulent using below methods.
- Aphids: quarantine, clean infected plants, soapy water.
- Mealybugs: quarantine, clean infected plants, soapy water.
- Red spider mites: Quarantine, clean your infected plants, treatment with a systemic insecticidal/soapy water.
Besides that, to prevent serious health issues from happening, keep your succulent in a well-ventilated area and check it regularly for any signs of pests or health problems.