Sun: full sun
Water: Typical water needs for a succulent
Temperature: Unknown - Tell us
Winter Survival: Unknown - Tell us
Propagation: Unknown - Tell us
Flower: Unknown - Tell us
Flower Type: Yellow-Orange
Toxic: Toxic to humans and animals
Dormant: Unknown - Tell us
Space Requirement: Unknown - Tell us
Common Problems: Unknown - Tell us
Basc Care for Kalanchoe Mortagei
Regular watering period should be every 2 weeks
You can water your succulent more than often in extreme conditions but make sure that the soil is completely dry before watering your succulent again.
Only feed this succulent during its active growing seasons which means Unknown - Tell us. Use the right fertilizer applied in the right amounts. Applying half-strength balanced fertilizer every month or so is recommended for optimal results.
Do not fertilize during Unknown - Tell us as the plant is dormant.
Sun & Location Requirements for "Kalanchoe Mortagei"
To ensure Kalanchoe Mortagei grows to its fullest potential, make sure it receives plenty of direct sunlight. Aim for six hours or more of full sun a day – the ideal place would be near a sunny window or outdoors in your garden. Monitor the leaves closely; if they become pale or soft, relocate the plant to a sunnier spot.
As per this succulent profile, it is only able to stay healthy when the environment temperature is above the range of unknown - Tell us.
The leaves of Kalanchoe Mortagei contain an array of toxins that can lead to symptoms such as abdominal cramps, nausea and even death if ingested. It is essential to keep this plant away from both humans and animals.